Josh Gottheil SCT/BMT Career Development Award
The Josh Gottheil SCT/BMT Career Development Award is funded by the Josh Gottheil Memorial Fund for Lymphoma Research. It was established by Dr. Fred Gottheil, Dr. Diane Gottheil, and Lisa Gottheil in memory of their son and brother, Josh, who died from lymphoma in 1989.
"With this award, I am eager to attend the annual Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Conference to broaden my skills and knowledge as a Blood & Marrow Transplant / Cancer Cell Therapy nurse. I am inspired to grow in my practice and continue my journey as a lifelong learner to become a better nurse each day so that I can provide the best quality of care to my patients."
— Edward Kao, RN, BSN, PCCN, 2022 Josh Gottheil Career Development Award Recipient
Important Dates:
Applications Open February 15, 2025
Applications Due: June 19, 2025
Applicants notified via email by: end of July 2025
Purpose: To support non-advanced practice level registered nurses working in stem cell transplantation and bone marrow by providing financial assistance to attend either a virtual or in-person nursing continuing professional development specific to transplant nursing that will further the nurses' professional goals as they relate to transplant nursing.
Award: Up to $2,000 to cover registration, travel, lodging, and food costs, as well as SCT-related and professional development-related expenses. If you are applying to attend a virtual program the award will cover the amount of the registration only.
Selection Criteria:
- Currently employed as a registered nurse working in stem cell or bone marrow transplantation. Preference will be given to non-advanced practice (bedside) nurses with a minimum of 75% devoted to direct patient care.
- One or more years in nursing practice prior to the application due date.
- The program or conference start date cannot be before August 1st.
- Applicant must agree to complete a 3-question report following the selected program.
- The conference must be specific to transplantation.
- The Oncology Nursing Foundation does not endorse or recommend any specific conferences. Various conferences are available to meet a nurse's continuing professional development needs; an example of a few are the Tandem Meetings Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT™ and CIBMTR® and the annual APHON Conference.
- Cannot be used for ONS Congress® or for education programs/courses that lead to an academic degree or for specialty certification.
Points to Consider:
- Do not wait until the last day to start an application as a quality and competitive application will take time to complete.
- We suggest that you use your time wisely by getting a head start and collecting any additional required items such as the name and email address of someone writing your letter of recommendation before you begin.
- Your essay responses should be of good quality, in terms of grammar, punctuation, syntax, conciseness, and ability to answer the question. Ensure you submit a detailed response and use the word count to your advantage.
- To strengthen your application, use free online tools such as Grammarly and have someone read over your application to ensure accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
How To Apply:
- Applications are currently open; use the link below to apply.
- Email with any questions.
- All questions must be submitted to the Foundation prior to 4:30 pm Eastern Time on the day of the application due date in order to receive a response prior to the deadline.
- No late applications will be accepted, and all applications must be submitted through the application platform.
- You will need:
- Program information
- Updated Resume/CV
- Essay Responses:
- In 500 words or less, describe your role in caring for patients undergoing stem cell transplants.
and - In 500 words or less, describe how the continuing education program you selected will help you achieve your professional goals and enhance your oncology practice. Please list specific professional goals you have for the next three years.
- In 500 words or less, describe your role in caring for patients undergoing stem cell transplants.
Application deadline: 2025-06-15
Apply Online2024 Josh Gottheil SCT/BMT Career Development Award Recipients

Tara Barker, BSN, MSN, RN, OCN®
North Canton, OH

Carrie Bellerive, BSN, RN, BMTCN®
Sandy, UT

Jordan Briggs, BSN, RN, OCN®
Seattle, WA

Katie Brockberg, MSN, RN, OCN®
Sioux Falls, SD

Kendal Timperman, BSN, RN, BMTCN®
Boston, MA

Anastasia Tonti Kimbler, RN
Hebron, OH

Megan McKern, MSN, RN, BMTCN®
Barnhart, MO

Emily Nash, BSN, RN, OCN®
Oklahoma City, OK

Kelly Nessenson, BSN, RN, BMTCN® |
Pittsburgh, PA
Brianna North, BSN, RN, OCN®
Beaver Dam, WI

Allison Siver, BSN, RN, BMTCN®
Brooklyn Center, MN
Chanise Shepherd, MSN, BMTCN®
Louisville, KY

Aimee Swickey, BSN, RN, ONN-CG, BMTCN®
Newalla, OK

Sondra Veldey, MSN, RN, PHN
Golden Valley, MN
Award Background
The Josh Gottheil SCT/BMT Career Development Award is funded by the Josh Gottheil Memorial Fund for Lymphoma Research and established by Dr. and Mrs. Gottheil in memory of their son, Josh, who died from lymphoma in 1989.
At its annual Congress in 1990, the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) granted a charter to the Bone Marrow Transplant Special Interest Group. The group became one of the first and the largest official Special Interest Groups within the structure of the ONS.
This award, formerly called the Josh Gottheil Bone Marrow Transplant Career Development Award, was updated in an effort to align with the progression of the treatment and acknowledge the product being transplanted is the stem cell that can be obtained from the blood, bone marrow, or cord blood. This also aligns with the verbiage used by transplantation experts and the BeTheMatch program