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New Application Platform Coming Soon for Awards, Grants, and Scholarships

Streamlining Awards, Grants, and Scholarships

Based on user feedback, the Oncology Nursing Foundation is implementing a brand-new application platform for awards, grants, and scholarships to provide a more streamlined user experience.

Applications for Fall awards, grants, and scholarships will open on November 1, 2022.

Learn how you can prepare your application early and read more about the new features coming below.

New Features

How To Apply

Learn how you can apply for an award, grant, or scholarship from the Oncology Nursing Foundation in our new application platform by following the steps below.

1. Register

Click on the "Register" link. Complete the form by entering your first name, last name, email address, and preferred mailing address.
Note: It is recommended that you use the same email that you use for your ONS account if you have one. 

2. Login

Find the award, grant, or scholarship you wish to apply to and log in with your email and password.

3. Create

Create your online application, ensuring that all of your information is correct.

4. Save

On completion, save your application as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your application for your records by clicking on the download icon in the Application Summary section in the right column.
Note: If an update is required before the Call for Applications period, you can make the update and resave it as FINAL. 

Points to Remember

It is recommended that you use your time wisely by getting a head start on your application by collecting any additional required items for it. This includes items such as the name and email address of someone writing a letter of recommendation. Having to interrupt your progress to find information can delay your application and cause you to miss a submission deadline. Your responses should be of good quality, in terms of grammar, punctuation, syntax, conciseness, and ability to answer the question. Use a free tool such as Grammarly to ensure proper spelling and sentence structure. 

Get Ready to Apply

Numerous updates have been made to the application and eligibility requirements for awards, grants, and scholarships. Review the information listed on each award, grant, or scholarship page to prepare to apply when applications open in November. 

Academic Scholarships 

Further your education with an academic scholarship from the Oncology Nursing Foundation. New selection criteria, requirements, and approved expenses are in effect for 2023. Review the updates, scoring, and essay responses to get ready to apply in November.

Bachelor's Scholarships     Master's Scholarships     Doctoral Scholarships

ONS Congress® Scholarships

The Oncology Nursing Foundation ONS Congress scholarships have supported registered nurses interested in improving cancer care by developing their personal knowledge and sharing this new knowledge with others as a result of attending ONS Congress. The award amount, selection criteria, and requirements have been updated for 2023. Prepare your resume and essay responses to get a jump start on joining us for the 48th Annual ONS Congress!

ONS Congress® Scholarships

Ceira Boyle Oncology Student Nursing Scholarship

Want the chance to receive a scholarship for free registration to ONS Congress, a one-year membership to ONS, and your travel costs covered? Newly updated, this award is now open to more oncology nursing students. Review the requirements and prepare your essay to join us in San Antonio!

Ceira Boyle Oncology Student Nursing Scholarship

Connie Henke Yarbro Excellence in Cancer Nursing Mentorship Award

Do you know a nurse who has demonstrated excellence in the mentorship of others in the practice of oncology nursing in the academic, clinical, or research setting? Recognize the oncology nurses who have guided and inspired you throughout your career by nominating them for the Connie Henke Yarbro Excellence in Cancer Nursing Mentorship Award when applications open later this fall. 

Connie Henke Yarbro Excellence in Cancer Nursing Mentorship Award